Monday, February 12, 2018

Oh my Goodness...who has the FLU?

Nope, contrary to the picture, not me. For once in my adult life!

It's crazy this year, isn't it? All the scary information about how many flu strains? Did you know that the flu germies stay on a surface for 24 hours?! Yikes! I swear, the older I get, the more of a germaphobe I am! (and yes, I did look up that spelling...and there are 2! like this isn't confusing enough!).

Yep, every single year, it (IT) would hit my household, and honestly, it may still get us. However, as of this moment, we have escaped any sign. Every year someone would catch 'it'...and the love would spread to the rest of the family. There were years where this was most spectacular. (We can be overachievers at times). Oh my...come close...but not too close...and I will tell you a story...
Early January there is a huge 2 day bridal show in Cincinnati. By most counts, there are hundreds of brides that attend. They do not attend alone...really, what bride would? no. They come with girlfriends, mom's, sometimes dad's and fiance's. The fact there is usually a Boat Show also going on at the same convention center at the same time...might have something to do with this...but I regress. There we are, in close proximity trying our best to deliver our message of hope and photography, speaking over the DJ's and other conversations around us. Get the picture? Well, one year my husband and both got it...on the 1st day. I don't even remember coming home that night, but I am most certain that I just crawled into my bed and pretty much passed out. Ever been there? Yep, that was day 1. Then there was day 2. He would glance at me, give the nod that meant 'I'll be right back'. Or I would stand behind him and whisper, 'I gotta go!' Yes, This was the day that my dear husband and I took turns running (walking really really fast) out of the hall so we could be sick, alone and unencumbered into any dumpster that would be closest to the doors. Somehow we made it through the event, packed up our huge display, loaded the car and made it home. But. What did we find as we shuffled into the house that night? All 3 children were sprawled on the couches. Each were holding a variety of bowl or bucket of their choice. The Christmas tree was knocked over and on the floor in the middle of the living room. Towels not-so-carefully lined the carpet from the couches to the bathroom. We took one glance at the kids and went to bed.

This was years ago when there was just 'the flu' season and not 'THE FLU that could kill you' season. Now we look back at the ridiculousness of that weekend and chuckle. I do have to say though, that as we returned to the same wedding show this year, I was a bit nervous. It was projected to have over 700 brides and guests. I'm happy to report, we got through it...lots and lots of Thieves Hand Sanitizer! But we did it. all my dear friends and loved careful!
And as Mama would say 'Hey! Did you Wash Your Hands?'

Till' next time!***

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